English translation of 'essayer'

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Verb conjugations for 'essayer'

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Examples of 'essayer' in a sentence essayer

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What Does the French Word "Essayez" Mean in English?


Essayez is a French word that translates to "try" or "attempt" in English. It is a verb that is used to indicate the action of trying something or making an attempt.

Understanding the meaning and usage of "essayez" is important for expressing the concept of trying or attempting to do something in French.

The word "essayez" comes from the French verb "essayer," which means "to try" or "to attempt." It is derived from the Latin word "exagiare," meaning "to weigh out" or "to examine."

Part of Speech:

Usage and examples:.

Trying something new: When you want to express the idea of trying something new or attempting a new activity, you can use the verb "essayez." For example, "Essayez cette nouvelle recette !" means "Try this new recipe!"

Encouraging someone: You can use "essayez" to encourage someone to give something a try. For instance, "Essayez de nouvelles expériences !" translates to "Try new experiences!"

AI Fun Fact 😅 :

The verb "essayez" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey the idea of attempting or trying something. It is a common and useful verb in everyday French conversations.

Expressions avec "Essayez" en anglais

  • Essayez ceci : Try this
  • Essayez de nouveau : Try again
  • Essayez-le : Try it
  • Essayez quelque chose de nouveau : Try something new
  • Essayez une fois : Try once
  • Essayez de comprendre : Try to understand
  • Essayez votre chance : Try your luck
  • Essayez une autre fois : Try another time
  • Essayez de résoudre : Try to solve
  • Essayez de deviner : Try to guess
  • Essayez de rester calme : Try to stay calm
  • Essayez de ne pas rire : Try not to laugh
  • Essayez de vous détendre : Try to relax
  • Essayez de vous concentrer : Try to focus
  • Essayez de rester positif : Try to stay positive
  • Essayez de vous améliorer : Try to improve yourself
  • Essayez de ne pas pleurer : Try not to cry
  • Essayez de comprendre la situation : Try to understand the situation


"Essayez" is a versatile French verb that is essential for expressing the concept of trying or attempting something. By learning the various expressions and conjugations of "essayez," you can effectively communicate your intentions to try new things in French.

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What is the translation of "essayez" in English?

"essayer" in english, essayer {vb}.

  • volume_up attempt

essayer {v.t.}

  • volume_up run trials on

n'essayez pas de me tenter! [example]

  • volume_up don't tempt me!


Essayer [ essayant|essayé ] {verb}.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

essayer [ essayant|essayé ] {transitive verb}

Context sentences, french english contextual examples of "essayer" in english.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

French how to use "essayer" in a sentence, french how to use "run trials on" in a sentence, synonyms (french) for "essayer":.

  • entreprendre
  • essaim d'abeilles
  • essais cliniques
  • essais de recette
  • essais en laboratoire
  • essais sur le terrain
  • essayer d'agripper
  • essayer d'avoir
  • essayer d'entendre
  • essayer d'obtenir
  • essayer de battre
  • essayer de comprendre
  • essayer de deviner
  • essayer de forcer quelqu'un à acheter
  • essayer de frapper

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