1. (PDF) The Economics of Sports

    sport economics dissertation

  2. Making Sense of Sport Economics

    sport economics dissertation

  3. Index to Journal of Sports Economics Volume 6, 2005

    sport economics dissertation

  4. (PDF) Oldies but Goldies ! Twenty Years After, the Journal of Sports

    sport economics dissertation

  5. Sports business and economics

    sport economics dissertation

  6. Master thesis on using sport as a tool for development

    sport economics dissertation


  1. Economics Dissertation Topics for Resource, Environmental, and Sustainability

  2. Andrew J. Dahl Dissertation Proposal

  3. Eric Chyn: 2017 HCEO Dissertation Prize Lecture

  4. Mark's student story (Sport and Exercise Science)

  5. PhD defence by Christina Sathyamala

  6. L' économie du sport