1. Ph.D Physics Admission 2023

    phd physics 2023

  2. PhD in Physics (2023 Entry)

    phd physics 2023

  3. Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 awarded to three scientists for their work

    phd physics 2023

  4. Physics

    phd physics 2023

  5. Celebrations of Physics!

    phd physics 2023

  6. Nobel Prize In Physics 2023 Awarded To Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz

    phd physics 2023


  1. Did you miss the announcement of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics?

  2. ПМЮФ 2023: Цифровая трансформация нормотворчества. Фридштанд Андрей, Министерство юстиции РФ

  3. DU PHD PHYSICS Previous Year Papers Solution

  4. Getting a PhD in Physics Episode 4: What are anyons?

  5. BPhO Computational Physics Challenge 2023 Project Launch

  6. Phy101 Final term Numericals preparation fall 2023 by Vumsh