1. A Systematic Literature Review of Current Trends in Electronic Voting

    Electronic voting, based on cryptographic protocols and blockchain technology, represents an advanced method for ensuring the security, transparency, and reliability of electoral processes. The scientific research presented in this article is devoted to the analysis of trends and advanced technologies in the field of electronic voting. The authors propose a systematic mapping of this area ...

  2. PDF Recent Online Voting Systems: Study & Comparative Analysis

    II. LITERATURE REVIEW Although there are many researches works on online voting systems, here we have critically analyzed and summarized twenty research works and projects which are more relevant, recent and pertinent. It is observed that most the recent works addresses the issue of online voting and use of various information technologies.

  3. An Online Voting System for Colleges and Universities

    In designing the Online Voting System, Flowcharts, Use Case Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) were also employed. ... Literature review and current trends. Webology, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1-28.

  4. PDF Electronic Voting Literature Review

    Electronic Voting Literature Review Computer scientists who have done work in, or are interested in, electronic voting all ... Currently widely-deployed voting systems need improvement Voting on the Internet using everyday PC's offers only weak security, but its main disadvantages are in the areas of anonymity and protection against coercion ...


    This project work on e-voting system is made up of five chapters: introduction, literature review, methodology and system design, systems implementation and result analysis, conclusion and ...

  6. E-voting adoption in many countries: A literature review

    Al-Khasawneh A, Obeidallah R (2014) Challenges to the successful implementation of online voting for e-democracy in developing countries' initiatives: Jordan as a case study. International Journal of Socio-Technology and Knowledge Development 6(3): 45-59.

  7. E-voting Adoption in Many Countries: A Literature Review

    e-voting adoption, literature review, semi-systematic review. Introduction. Electronic voting. 1 (e-voting) ... 11 2007 Yao and Murphy Remote electronic voting systems: An exploration of voters ...

  8. PDF A Review on Smart Voting Systems

    A REVIEW ON SMART VOTING SYSTEMS 1 RUTUJA B. ARDAK, 2 DR. AASHISH S. BARDEKAR P.G1.Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sipna C.O.E.T , ... conflict, an online voting system is proposed. III. LITERATURE REVIEW Raspberry Pi and image processing based on Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) [1], provides a small computer ...

  9. PDF Literature survey- Online Voting: Voting System Using Blockchain

    The paper based voting system is replaced by the e-voting. Now a days to decrease the load of man power and delay in result declaration of voting result e-voting system is more in demand by private or public organizations. It also saves papers which are made up of trees which will eventually save the nature disasters. Since 1960 e-voting ...

  10. PDF Voters' Evaluations of Electronic Voting Systems

    computer-based voting systems, reports of voters being challenged by them, and studies suggesting that the systems themselves may be a source of voter errors (e.g., Caltech/MIT 2001), we apply approaches to the study of voting systems that draw from the field of usability. Usability studies typically include assessments of learnability, memora-